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West Bend

Girls Rock Robotics Camp registration open

May 12, 2018 – Fond du Lac Co., WI – Moraine Park Technical College is offering Girls Rock Robotics summer camp at the Fond du Lac Campus June 18-20, 2018 from 9 a.m. – noon each day.

Registration is open and underway for all girls entering grades 6-8 in the fall of 2018.

This camp will allow attendees to explore the world of robotics using LEGO® Mindstorms.

Students will build robots with motors and sensors to perform tasks and react to their environment. They will learn how to program the robots using the software in which you place icons in sequence to create the instructions that you desire.

As a bonus, they will also spend time working in teams to build and program a robot to solve missions similar to those in First Lego League® (FLL) competitions.

The registration fee is $30 per student and is waived for Free and Reduced Lunch recipients.

Space is limited. Register today at morainepark.edu/grr or by contacting Renae Fischer at rfischer6@morainepark.edu or (920) 929-2477.

For more information on Moraine Park Technical College, visit morainepark.edu.


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