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West Bend

July 4 brat fry at Allenton American Legion Fohl-Martin Post 483 | By Ron Naab

Allenton, WI  –  Allenton American Legion Fohl-Martin Post 483 Post Commander Rodney Delcore announced a brat fry Saturday, July 4.

This is the Legion Post’s major fund raiser every year.  The post through its fund raisers are able to support many beneficial programs  such as Badger State Boys, Wreaths Across America, Camp American Legion, American Legion Baseball, and 4-H Shooting Sports just to mention a few.

Thus the Allenton American Legion Post has opted to hold a Drive-By Brat Fry on Saturday, July 4.  The event will be held 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 341 Main Street (WI-33), Allenton.







 Chair of the Brat Fry, Ron Naab said, “We anticipate families will be staying home as many of activities have been cancelled.  We are hoping many will visit us to purchase a meal for their family featuring great brats from Fox Bros. Piggly Wiggly.”

“Come support our local American Legion Post and enjoy a great brat or hot dog,” said Commander Delcore.

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