20.9 F
West Bend

VIDEO | Forward Remodeling tips on securing a tight window seal during freezing temps

West Bend, WI – Temperatures are about to get arctic in the West Bend and Washington County, WI, area and Eric from Forward Remodeling has a couple tips to keep in mind so your windows have a tight seal against the cold.

“There are three basic types of windows on the market including sliders, double hung, and casement windows,” he said. “You want to make sure your windows are closed all the way and locked. With the double hung, make sure the top is all the way up and the bottom down and the lock fully sealed and with the casement windows – those should be completely cranked tight and locked to make sure the cold stays out.”


If you have window questions or want more information on doors, siding, or roofs contact Forward Remodeling at 262-389-6167.

Uncle Larry's Storage

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