March 3, 2021 – West Bend, WI – I ask all citizens: Do you care what our kids are learning in school today? Why should you care?
Care because these are our future leaders and what the kids learn in school today are what you are seeing in our White House right now, pushing a radical leftist agenda. If you don’t agree with it they falsely and brutally call you a bigot or a racist.
Climate change, population control, open borders, critical race theory, socialism-communism-everything anti-America. This is being pushed in many subjects from K5-12. They are not taught HOW to think but WHAT to think.
If our public schools had a Classical curriculum our kids would be so much better off. Classical education focuses on subject matter, not identity politics and racial scape-goating.
It is the proper and necessary curriculum for institutions calling themselves schools and trusted with our children’s education.
If the “schools” opt to degrade education into sites of sociological reprogramming and the demonization of Western culture and white people, they are no longer schools and should forfeit funding, access to our children, and their non-profit, TAX-FREE status.
That Is because they are now not public schools. In that vacuum, let’s find or create schools dedicated to Classical education, whose mission is learning and genuine regard for all students, regardless of race, creed, or color.
Our school board is the key. We need a balance. It’s time for a change. That’s why I’m only voting for Jody Geenen.
The ONLY conservative that will make a real difference. We need to fix what is going on in our schools or our kids, freedoms, and nation will be lost forever.
Jean Weymier
West Bend
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