September 12, 2022 – Kewaskum, WI – Neighbors from across Washington County, WI and even gubernatorial candidate Tim Michaels, gathered at the Annex in Kewaskum on Sunday, September 11, 2022 to remember 21 years ago and the attacks on American soil.
Anne Trautner, with the Wisconsin 9/11 Memorial committee, provided opening remarks.
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“My generation and the generations that come after me have a unique perspective on 9/11,” said Lehmann. “I was 4-years-old when the attacks occurred.
“As I grew older I became more aware of the significance of 9/11, the lives lost and sacrifices made,” he said. “It was one night standing outside the middle school and there was a beautiful stone that read, ‘In memory of Andrea Haberman September 11, 2001.’ When I looked at that small memorial, Ground Zero didn’t feel so far away. It was at that moment I was able to comprehend the magnitude of the attacks and the effect it had on our nation.”
Guest speaker Lisa Burgess of Wisconsin was a reporter at the Pentagon on 9/11.
Burgess spoke about the initial reaction of the attack on the Pentagon, the injuries she witnessed, how she tried to help, how the phone system went down, and the torture families must have suffered wondering whether their loved ones were going to come home.
The Kewaskum High School Band performed as did soloist Windy Hope who sang several patriotic songs including The Star-Spangled Banner, Amazing Grace, and America the Beautiful.
The event wrapped up with a gun salute by American Legion Post 834 and Taps performed by Zoe Hoiser.