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4 suspects taken into custody for Richfield home invasion | Washington Co., Sheriff

October 27, 2023 – Washington Co., WI – On Friday, October 27, 2023, Washington County Sheriff’s Office Investigators arrested four suspects in connection with the October 17, 2023, armed home invasion in the Village of Richfield.
The first two were taken into custody during a search warrant with the assistance of the Milwaukee Police Department Tactical Enforcement Unit early Friday morning. The other two suspects were arrested later the same day with help from the Milwaukee Police Special Investigations Division and the Wauwatosa Police Department.
The names of the suspects are not being released at this time as they have not been formally charged. The two suspected of entering the residence armed with loaded firearms are 18- and 19-year-old men from the City of Milwaukee. Two women, both aged 18, were arrested for party to a crime for their involvement in the invasions.
Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis promised at the time of the crime that all available resources would be diverted to this investigation. “Since the incident, two investigators have been working diligently full-time to help bring a sense of security and normalcy back to this community.
“Their investigation was supplemented by our entire investigative team, and it is because of the work they did we are where we are today.
“This level of violence and violation of this community’s sense of security cannot and will not be tolerated. To have all suspects in custody is a true testament to our investigators’ dedication to our community and the fulfillment of our agency’s mission statement.
“My hope is these arrests provide a degree of comfort to our residents and deter other criminal elements from thinking Washington County residents are easy targets.”
The investigative break in this case came from a couple of different sources. A neighborhood canvass revealed images from doorbell cameras of the suspect vehicle as well as one of the suspects. Those images allowed investigators to search Flock Safety cameras in the area and locate higher-definition imagery of the suspect vehicle.
From there the investigation progressed quickly and ultimately led to the search warrant early this morning.
Sheriff Schulteis went on to say, “The Washington County Sheriff’s Office is appreciative of all the support that we received from public safety partners and neighbors which allowed the safe capture of all four less than two weeks after the incident.”
All the suspects remain in custody at the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and will appear in court on Monday, October 30, 2023.
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