Allenton, WI – The Allenton Fohl-Martin American Legion Post 483 will be participating in the National Wreaths Across AmericaTM (WAA) on December 17, 2022, at 9 a.m. This week the local group received several strong donations.
Slinger High School presented a check for over $700 to the group. “The check will help the Legion buy wreaths for veterans. The money was donated by students and staff,” said teacher Jeff Wolf.
This is the fourth year the Allenton Post has participated in a fundraiser to honor our veterans that have passed. The Allenton Legion Post needs support to keep this proud tradition going.
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Earlier in the week, Bob’s Main Street Auto & Towing presented a check to support Wreaths Across America.
With community support, a hand-crafted wreath made of all-American balsam will be placed on the headstones of our local veterans. Wreaths Across AmericaTM (WAA) is a national nonprofit organization founded in 2007.
This year the Allenton American Legion would like to have wreaths at every cemetery in the Slinger and Allenton area for a total of 18 cemeteries. Our goal this year is to purchase and honor 800 fallen veterans in our local community.
Click HERE to learn about the story behind Wreaths Across America
The Allenton Post is encouraging volunteers to join the Allenton Legion Post on National Wreaths Across America Day, December 17 at 9 a.m.
Volunteers can participate in our wreath-laying ceremonies at area cemeteries including Sacred Heart (Allenton), Union, St. Mathias (Nabob), SS Peter & Paul (Nenno), St. Anthony, St. Lawrence, St. John (Beaver Dam Rd/WW), Zion (Hwy D), St. Peter (Beaver Dam Road), Faith (Hwy E), St. John, St. Paul, St. Peter (old and new), Diefenbach Corners, and new this year Cedar Creek, Rosenheimer and Faith (Ackerville).
Forms are available in Allenton at Romie’s BP, National Exchange Bank & Trust or Alma’s Café, in Slinger at Schaefer’s Service Center, on Facebook at American Legion Post 483 or any Allenton American Legion member.
Any questions can be directed to Ron Naab if you wish to participate: 262/716-7292 or