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West Bend

American Companies sees results from Action Coach Kory Dogs | By Christa Weindorf

West Bend, Wi — At American Companies’ monthly MESH, a company-wide meeting, employees posted their personal DISC styles onto the DISC wall chart. The chart shows each employee’s communication style under the categories of: Dominant, Influential, Steady, and Compliant (DISC).



“To make a great team you need many personalities working together and moving forward.”, said Jo Sadownikow, Integrator of American Companies. Kory Dogs from Action Coach was invited to attend the meeting to see the progress American Companies has made over the last six years following his guidance.

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Business Coach Kory Dogs said, “It’s been amazing to see the personal & professional growth at American Companies within the last six years. Culture is truly the measure of a healthy company, and the way the culture has developed at American Companies has been amazing to be a part of. The key is taking action, and American Companies is confident in taking action.”

With Kory’s guidance, American Companies has grown from 10 employees in 2017, to now 27 employees in 2023. Kory’s approach tremendously helped focus American Companies’ culture grow by gaining happy employees and creating & maintaining systems for business success.

The Action Coach DISC process helps each employee take a look at who they are as an individual and where they fit in with all other personalities within the company. These DISC styles are then interpreted & used in everyday interactions with coworkers, customers, and even at home. It is a powerful tool that allows employees to handle many challenging situations with confidence.

American Companies is excited to continue using these powerful coaching tools to both maintain and grow its culture and operations as a premier commercial design-build firm.

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