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Max Bradt of Slinger brings home trophy buck

November 27, 2021 – Slinger, WI – Max Bradt of Slinger brought home a trophy buck this season.

Max Bradt deer buck

Bradt’s story is below.

I shot him just north of Nenno. He weighed 185 dressed out. He was 14 points with an 18-inch inside spread. Shot was 130 yards.

I happen to be looking down into the woods to my right and I went back to the low marshy area 150 yards out in front of me and he was out in the soybean field. Was able to get the binoculars up and determine he was a shooter and then brought the gun up and took the first shot and he dropped but he kept trying to go so I had to send another shell to make sure he dropped for good.

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