There were five topics covered during Tuesday’s Downtown West Bend BID strategic planning committee meeting.
-The streetscape plan was debated at length including the design, expense and priorities. Finally a decision was made to create a 6-question survey and distribute it to groups like the Economic Development Committee, civic organizations and the Chamber of Commerce. The survey would help provide direction and scope for the project.
-The BID is exploring the creation of a marketing website for the downtown business district. Similar sites in Shorewood and Ripon were reviewed and the appointment of a marketing committee is being explored.
-The building lights were a hot topic. Bids were reviewed and ran the gamut from $15,000 to change the bulbs to up to $120,000 for complete replacement and installation. The most inviting proposal was for $25,000 which would include adding border lights to two buildings on N. Main Street. To see survey results on what the community thinks about the importance of the building lights, click here.
-The music contract for the downtown shopping district is $1,000 a year and Mike Husar has paid the bill in the past. The committee dished on whether there would be an easier, more cost-effective option.
The next BID meeting is April 12 at West Bend City Hall.