West Bend, WI—Holy Angels Parish, 138 N. Eighth Avenue, West Bend, WI will hold its “Festival of Angels” June 9 – 11 with fun for the whole family. Just two blocks south of Hwy 33 on Eighth Avenue, the fun starts at 5 p.m. Friday, June 9, 2023.
• Raffle tickets will be available in the back of church to pick up next weekend. PLEASE pick up raffle tickets. Each envelope contains 30 tickets; take as many envelopes as you can sell. Also in the envelope is a volunteer form. Consider working in a booth, the food stand or wherever you can. Fill out the form and return it in the box in the church vestibule.
• The Used Book Sale is always popular. Please drop off gently used books, fiction or non-fiction, in the carport. And puzzles too. Please tape the covers shut on the puzzle boxes so that last puzzle piece does not go missing, thanks.
• Are you detail oriented? We are in desperate need of a few parish members to step forward to organize/coordinate the Parcel Post/Green Plants Booth, Bingo and the Sweet Corn for this years’ festival. And we need someone to take over the Friday Fish Fry for
next year. The current leaders will show you how this year’s fish fry is put together. If you can help with these booths, or are willing to make calls to schedule volunteers, call Jim at 262-343-0914 for more details. If we don’t find volunteers to manage these areas, we
will be unable to have them at the festival.
• If you or your business would like to donate new items or gift certificates for the raffles and/or silent auction, please drop them off in the parish office.
Prayerfully consider ways you can help at the Holy Angels Festival. We look forward to seeing you there.
Please support the Holy Angels Festival Sponsors and remember to use the McDonald’s coupons included with the raffle tickets. We need many hands to make your Festival a success, please volunteer. Thank you.
There will be rides, games, refreshments and great food, including the return of the delicious fish baskets, while supplies last. FREE entertainment! NO COVER CHARGE for the whole family.

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