-10.3 F
West Bend

New leadership for West Bend School District curriculum and instruction department

July 25, 2023 – West Bend, WI — The West Bend School Board on July 24, 2023, approved the hiring of Quynh Trueblood, Ph.D., as director of curriculum and instruction for the West Bend School District.


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As director of curriculum and instruction, Trueblood will create a vision of high expectations for the continuous improvement of our learning systems to support the district’s vision and mission.

She will provide leadership in the overall development, coordination, communication, and
supervision of educational programs and services for all students in grades Pre K-12.
“Quynh Trueblood will hit the ground running. We are happy to have her expertise and
experience to benefit the students of the West Bend Schools,” said Jen Wimmer, superintendent of the West Bend School District.

Trueblood was most recently a faculty lecturer for the doctoral program in educational
leadership at Edgewood College in Madison. From 2012-2020, she was the superintendent of the Kohler School District in Kohler where she focused on organizational culture and
effectiveness in leadership development, effective teams, stakeholder engagement, strategic communication, and K-12 education. In 2016, 2018, and 2019, Kohler achieved the highest Wisconsin DPI Report Card score among public school districts in the state.
Trueblood has also taught at Milwaukee School of Engineering, been a principal at Kohler High School, and an associate principal at Sheboygan North and South High Schools. She began her career in education as a chemistry teacher.

She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her
master’s degree in administrative leadership and supervision in education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Trueblood earned her doctorate in leadership for the advancement of learning and service in 2021 from Cardinal Stritch University.

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