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Motorcyclist injured after crashing in Richfield | By Lt. Hope Demler

May 30, 2021 – Washington Co., WI – On Sunday, May 30, 2021, at 3:43 p.m., the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a motorcycle crash in the curves on Pleasant Hill Road just east of Slinger Road in the Village of Richfield. The caller was an area resident who heard the crash from her home.

Washington County, fire, Sheriff Martin Schulteis

The caller responded to the scene and observed a motorcycle crashed in the south ditch of Pleasant Hill Road and the lone male operator laying approximately 15 feet south of the motorcycle in the tall grass. The caller advised the operator was unconscious and bleeding from the head; the operator was not wearing a helmet.

Washington County Sheriff’s Deputies arrived on scene and located the operator who was conscious, breathing but unable to speak clearly laying on his back. Richfield Rescue responded to the scene for patient care.

Flight For Life assisted on scene and transported the patient to Froedtert Wauwatosa via helicopter. The patient suffered serious but non-life threatening injuries and remains at Froedtert Wauwatosa.

The operator of the motorcycle was a 58-year-old Brookfield resident. The initial scene investigation showed that the motorcycle was eastbound on Pleasant Hill Rd and failed to negotiate the curve, went off road right into the soft gravel, lost control and struck a tree. The operator was thrown from the motorcycle and landed in the tall grass near a field.

Speed or alcohol does not appear to have been a factor in this crash. Pleasant Hill Road just east of Slinger Road was shut down for approximately 40 minutes for patient care and accident investigation.

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