18.5 F
West Bend

Ozaukee Christian School celebration Saturday, July 24 | By Kris Austin

Town of Trenton, Wisconsin – On Saturday, July 24, Ozaukee Christian School (OCS), 1214 Hwy 33, West Bend, will be holding a time of celebration through prayer and praise.

The one-hour event is taking place on the 2nd anniversary of acquiring the keys to the former Trenton Business Center on July 24, 2019.

The hour will begin with worship in the new multi-purpose room and include a prayer walk around the building and the playground area for those who wish to participate.

OCS administrator Kris Austin said, “Oh, what a ride this has been… I take very seriously the story of Jesus’ healing the 10 lepers in Luke 17:11 – 19. God, through His people, blessed us with prayer warriors, building project volunteers, and donors so that we could ‘possess the land’ — a beautiful building on 40 acres.”

Ozaukee Christian School

The newly acquired school is a work in progress with volunteers putting in time on the new multi-purpose room, a commercial kitchen, and bathrooms on the east side of the building.

Volunteers are also harvesting donated play equipment from a local park to build the preschool and elementary playgrounds.

Ozaukee Christian School

“This is a busy day for us all and is short notice,” says Austin, “I feel we would be falling short of making sure God always receives the glory at OCS if we let this important date slip by without acknowledging Him.”

The OCS celebration event is open to the public and runs from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 24. Guests should enter the building where they see the ‘Events’ sign.

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