20.1 F
West Bend

Parents, Prevention, and Prayer at Holy Angels Church | By Lindsey VanderWielen



West Bend, WI – Holy Angels is hosting a Prayer Service and Information Gathering Event for parents to increase their awareness about the heroin epidemic and other substance abuses.

The event will take place on Sunday, Sept. 30 at 6:30 p.m. in Holy Angels Church. The guest speaker will be Ronna Corliss.

Corliss currently serves as Director of Community Engagement and Partnerships for Elevate. She also serves as chairperson for the Washington County Prevention Network Coalition as well as the Washington County Heroin Task Force. She has worked in alcohol and other drug prevention for 25 years, 16 of those in Washington County.

Corliss will update participants on the status of the heroin epidemic across the country and in Washington County. She will also share strategies for talking with your children about drugs and alcohol as well as how to identify warning signs and symptoms to look for if you suspect your child might be using.

The evening will conclude with viewing the “Hidden In Plain Sight.”  It’s a room that replicates a teen’s bedroom with more than 30 things that could signal drug or alcohol use.




The bedroom identifies areas where teens may hide drugs, household items that can be used as drug paraphernalia and ways teens might try to cover up drug and alcohol use.

The goal is to educate parents and other adults who are influential in the lives of youth, so they know what seemingly innocent items can actually be an indication of substance abuse.

Elevate staff will be present to give tours through the room and be available to answer any questions parents have.

Elevate will also provide new materials along with 100 medicine lock boxes.


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