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Graduation 2023: A reputation that goes beyond themselves | By Ozaukee Christian School

Washington Co., WI – Another school year has come to a close, and another set of eighth-grade students is preparing to join the ranks of high schoolers in the fall at Ozaukee Christian School, 1214 Hwy 33, West Bend, WI.


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After studying “My Heart – Christ’s Home” by Robert Boyd Munger, the Ozaukee Christian School class of 2023 had a chance to consider what kind of reputation they would have at their respective high schools. Here are two of their responses:

“I want people to see me as who God made me. I want to show kindness, love, and peace. I want to show others God and his awesome ways and merciful ways. I want to be loved for who I am and who I will be in the future. With God’s help, my parents, church, and my school, I can be that person.”

“I would love to be known for my academic abilities, but more importantly I want people to think of the character of Christ when they see me. I want to be in prayer every day, to be actively reading God’s word, following commands he puts on my heart, seeking a godly community, and obeying the truth. In the end, all that matters is God’s name and his name alone, because he is above all creation (Philippians 2:9). So, let them not remember me, but his holy name.”

To learn more about enrolling in Ozaukee Christian School, click HERE.

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