18.5 F
West Bend

Possible victims of sexual assault encouraged to come forward | By Sheriff Martin Schulteis

October 2021 – Washington Co., WI -A 43-year-old Town of West Bend man was charged in Washington County Circuit Court this week with two counts of 3rd Degree Sexual Assault.

Richard Barrett faces 20 years in prison if convicted of all charges. His arrest was the result of a lengthy investigation conducted by Washington County Sheriff’s detectives. The assaults that were charged occurred from 2018 till 2020.

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Barrett is accused of drugging his victims with an unknown substance before the assaults. We have had several victims come forward who believe they were assaulted by Barrett after consuming small amounts of alcohol. The victims have limited recollection of what occurred after consuming a drink that was given to them by Barrett. The victims report feeling nauseous and having blurred vision before passing out.
Barrett’s brother Robert was sentenced earlier this year to 12 years in prison after being convicted in Washington County of sexual assault. That case also involved the victim being drugged before the assaults occurred.
Based on the investigation we believe there could be additional victims in our community. Some of these victims may not even be certain they were assaulted. It takes strength and courage for victims of sexual assault to come forward and tell their story. We are here to work with them to seek justice. We encourage anyone in the community that may have been victimized by Barrett, or have information that may assist in the investigation, to contact us.
Anyone with information can contact Detective Ashley Glamann at (262) 335-4407 or email at Ashley.glamann@washcowisco.gov.

Richard Barrett, sexual

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