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Trophy buck taken during bow season in Washington County, WI | By Cody Mueller

November 14, 2023 – Slinger, Wi – Cody Mueller of Slinger took home a belated birthday gift while bow hunting Sunday, November 12, 2023, in Washington County, WI.

bow“I was in the tree stand less than 20 minutes when he came through broad side,” said Mueller about the 10-point buck. “I knew he was in the area because I had pictures from summer and fall.”

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Mueller said the buck, who he estimated was about 3.5 years old, was pretty noisy as he came into view. “He came grunting and making all kinds of noise,” he said.

The buck was about 25 yards away and Mueller waited for him to “get into my shooting lane.”

“I got him broadside; it was a double lung shot,” Mueller said.

“I waited about 5 hours to go look for him.  He ran 380 yards. “After I shot, he ran and there was a standing corn field and a cut bean field and after I got out of the tree stand, I saw him running to the next property line.

“While I thought it was a good shot, I came back at 10 p.m. Sunday and he was laying right there.”

Mueller said he was “pleasantly surprised” when he found him. “When I first saw him, I knew he was big, and I knew I was going to shoot him but when I found him, I thought holy…”

The 10 pointer had an 18 inch inside spread; Mueller estimated the weight at about 200 pounds.

Ten minutes prior to the buck, Mueller saw a spiked buck that he let pass.

Click HERE for updates on this year’s hunting seasons.

This was the second weekend Mueller ventured out to hunt. He normally goes up north, but this is his first time bow hunting in Washington County, WI.

“I’ve been hunting about 23 years now,” he said. “This is the biggest buck I’ve got in state.”

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced the 2023 combined Wisconsin Hunting Regulations pamphlet is now available online and will soon be available at license agents and open service centers around the state.

The combined regulations pamphlet brings season dates, shooting hours, and regulations together in one convenient document.

For more information on hunting in Wisconsin, CLICK HERE

If you had success during the bow season, send your photos to judy@washingtoncountyinsider.com


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