9.4 F
West Bend

VIDEO | April Pizza of the Month at locally-owned Eaton’s Fresh Pizza in West Bend

West Bend, WI – Eaton’s Fresh Pizza, 830 E. Paradise Drive, in West Bend is rolling out its famous Cuban Pizza for the month of April.

The Cuban is April’s Pizza of the Month. First we add a light yellow mustard sauce.  Then mozzarella, pulled pork, ham, pickles and top it with Swiss cheese.

Eaton’s is offering Curbside & Pick Up service.

If you come into the store, we will place the order for you. You will return to your vehicle to wait for the order to be delivered to you.

We still highly recommend ordering ahead online or via phone.

For curbside pick-up

Order online or call; in special instructions write “curbside.”

When you arrive, call us to deliver your order and pop the trunk, or open the door for us, to limit contact.

(We will need to know the name on the order and identify the vehicle to deliver to).

Cooking instruction:

Preheat oven to 375.  Bake in center 20-30 minutes, or until desired golden color.  Due to our incredible amount of cheese and toppings, we recommend a pan, or a screen.

Thank you for your business!

Please be kind, be safe & respect your neighbors.

When you arrive call our main number 262-429-2292 or pick-up number 262-226-7019

Eaton’s is offering Curbside & Pick Up service.

If you come into the store, we will place the order for you. You will return to your vehicle to wait for the order to be delivered to you.

We still highly recommend ordering ahead online or via phone.

For curbside pick-up
Order online or call; in special instructions write “curbside.”
When you arrive, call us to deliver your order and pop the trunk, or open the door for us, to limit contact.
(We will need to know the name on the order and identify the vehicle to deliver to).
Thank you for your business!
Please be kind, be safe & respect your neighbors. 
When you arrive call our main number 262-429-2292 or pick-up number 262-226-7019
Stop in and give it a try. Eaton’s Fresh Pizza, 830 E. Paradise Drive, in West Bend.
Click HERE to order online.
January potato pizza Eaton's

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