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West Bend

VIDEO | Heather Ferdinand creator of Eaton’s Pizza of the Month: Veggie Medley | By Corey Faust

West Bend, WI – Heather Ferdinand is the creator of this month’s Eaton’s Fresh pizza of the month the Veggie Medley.  Heather’s husband Anthony came up with the recipe; he is always looking for something different, but Heather was able to perfect it to be sold at Eaton’s.

Heather began working at Eaton’s in Fond du Lac while attending school at Moraine Park Technical College, were she received her culinary degree in 2016.

In 2018 she was given the opportunity to manage Eaton’s of West Bend and commute from Fond du Lac. Heather had a difficult decision to make with her husband Anthony and, at the time, 1-year-old daughter Lucy.






Heather thankfully accepted the challenge and has been a vital piece to the successful return of Eaton’s to West Bend.

Heather has a great go-with-the-flow attitude that has helped create a positive vibe with the rest of the staff and her ability to lead by example is second to none.

Heather is the most important piece of the puzzle to create a positive culture for the rest of the staff especially the younger adults.

Eaton’s Fresh Pizza of West Bend is grateful to have one year under its belt. Along with the Pizza of the Month, Eaton’s will also offer a lunch special for the remainder of the month to give back to the community.

The special will be a 6-inch regular sub or wrap, water and an ice cream cake cone or dish for $6.

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