32.6 F
West Bend

Warrior Hikers approaching Omega, Wis.

Bloomer VFW
As we play a little “catch up” with the Warrior Hikers making their way along the Ice Age Trail in Wisconsin, the veterans share a few pictures of their last stop in Bloomer, Wisconsin, and lend a special thanks to VFW Post 6175. (Vining on left, Michael Maziarka, far right).
Will and Pete

Second photo is, left to right, Maziarka, Vining, and Ice Age Trail section thru-hikers Will and Pete.
Maziarka said, “They have been hiking the Ice Age Trail for 4 years and plan to finish this year heading westbound.”
  Mile napping on table
Maziarka captured Vining taking a much-needed R&R time a la picnic table.

Currently, West-Bend native Michael Maziarka and Miles Vining are approaching Ogema, Wisconsin on their 1,000+ mile hike throughout the state.

The men will pass through West Bend in late July.
The Washington County Insider will keep you updated as The Warrior Hike progresses.
The Warrior Hike is a program designed to help combat veterans transition from their military service.

You can learn more about Warrior Hike HERE and follow these vets on the Ice Age Trail trek on the Warrior Hike Facebook page HERE.

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