18.5 F
West Bend

The Wedge 53095 Uncorked opening in 2021 in West Bend

January 15, 2021 – West Bend, WI – The name and graphic for a new cheese and wine shop opening this summer in West Bend are being unveiled today at WashingtonCountyInsider.com

“We just got the trademarks officially filed,” said Jessica Youso, owner of Old Fashioned Cheese in Mayville and now The Wedge Uncorked.

The corporation, according to Youso, is going to be “The Cheese Wedge ‘uncorked'”

“Each store will be identified by its zip code as the wedge. I have aspirations to either grow the company across the United States or franchise it,” she said.

The Wedge 53095 uncorked in West Bend will open in the building formerly home to Rose Marie’s Hair Designer, 408 S. Main Street. Some neighbors may remember the location on the corner of Main and Chestnut as home to the old Morning Glory Coffee & Conversation.

The property sold in December 2020 to Youso and her husband; the couple own Old Fashioned Cheese in Mayville.

“We have over 500 varieties of cheese ‘wedges’ in our store,” Youso said. “There’s cheese for everyone. The uncorked is to let people know they can enjoy wine and cheese in our store. Uncorked equals opened.”

Youso explained the circle around the uncorked in the graphic is the edge of a wine bottle.

Aside from the new store in West Bend, there will also be another The Wedge uncorked in Cedarburg, N56W6339 Center Street, formerly home to Morton’s Wisconsinn

“The West Bend store is going to be a little different because we plan to offer simple sandwiches and soup and we’re going to have the cheese,” she said.

The opening date for the new store is “hopefully spring, maybe March.”

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