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1 person killed in crash in Ozaukee County

August 24, 2022 – Ozaukee Co., WI – Crash Information –
Highway: I-43 NB Location: STH 60 County: OZAUKEE

UPDATE: The person killed has been identified as Kevin J. Mason, 45, of West Bend, WI.

At 6:03 PM on Tuesday August 23, 2022 a crash occurred on I-43 NB at STH 60 in OZAUKEE County near GRAFTON.

Assisting agencies included Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Department, Ozaukee County Highway Department, Grafton Police Department, Grafton Fire Department, Mequon Police Department, Mequon Fire Department, and Saukville Fire Department.

The crash involved 1 fatality. Vehicle and occupant

A Ford F-450 Utility truck with a single occupant was traveling northbound on Interstate 43 when it drifted into an impact attenuator and rolled over. The single occupant suffered fatal injuries.

The investigation into the crash and the reconstruction are being completed by the Wisconsin State Patrol. The name of the occupant is being withheld until notifications can be made.

The right lane on Interstate 43 and exit ramp to STH 60 remains closed until the traffic control company arrives to replace the impact attenuator.


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