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West Bend

Bad accident in neighboring Dodge County – 3 vehicles, people trapped, helicopters on the way

June 19, 2024 – Dodge Co., WI – Motorists will want to stay clear of Highway 33 and Town Hall Road in Dodge County, WI, following a severe multivehicle accident with injuries.

Sheriff Dodge County

UPDATE 3: As of 3 p.m. both helicopters have returned to their base – no transport.

UPDATE 2: A second helicopter now landing at 2:15 p.m. at Hwy 33 and Town Hall Road.

UPDATE: Flight for Life is landing just west of CTH P at Pierce Road.

State Highway 33 is closed from County Road P to County Road AY between Horicon and Allenton due to a serious crash.
Additional information will be made available later this afternoon. Please avoid the area.

Initial reports: just before 2 p.m. a 3-vehicles crash with two people trapped.

Multiple agencies are responding including 2 Flight for Life helicopters, and medics from Beaver Dam, Mayville, West Bend, Theresa, and all surrounding fire departments.

This is a working story, and more information will be posted when details are available.


  1. I commute through this area twice a day, six days a week.

    I’ve come to noticing this is a dangerous stretch of road. Personal observations include, …

    Following to close. Sometimes so close the second vehicle appears as it’s being towed by the front vehicle.

    Oncoming traffic as well as vehicles behind you, driving with their high beams on, or illegal off road lights.

    Speeding. I could be doing about four over the posted limit, and and I can watch my rear view mirror as vehicles come out of the horizon behind me, catch up to me, and pass me like I’m standing still.

    Careless and dangerous passing. People constantly pass others on this stretch of road and do it dangerously and wreckfully. Sometimes several vehicles at a time almost causing head-on collisions.

    Both, highway 33 and highway 60 …are very dangerous east-west corridors out in the rural areas.

    Times have changed in the last 40 years. Though the laws are still on the books, it seems like unlawful color lamps don’t get tickets anymore.

    Loud vehicles don’t get tickets anymore.

    Wreckless driving and unnecessary acceleration don’t get tickets anymore.

    High beam violations don’t get tickets anymore.

    The jingle, “loud pipes save lives” is nothing more than citizens rewriting the laws the best way they can, using lies.

    Do the homework yourself.

    Compare loud vehicles with the number of accidents involving bicycles, mopeds, quiet motorcycles and electric vehicles.

    The jingle is absolutely ‘garbage’ that the statistics come nowhere near supporting. It’s just criminal manipulation.

    Anyone with an ounce of brains can see this.

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