8.8 F
West Bend

Badger Firefighters Association honors 6 from WBFD | By Ron Naab

March 9, 2021 – West Bend, WI – Ron Naab of the Badger Firefighters Association recently presented recognition awards to firefighters at the West Bend Fire Department for 25-years of service.

Battalion Chief John Spartz was also honored for 15-plus years of service as a Battalion Chief.  Spartz was a leader of the Washington County Hazard Materials Response Team, along with many other outstanding contributions to help his fellow members and other firefighters and EMT’s. Spartz last day on the job was Saturday, March 6.

John Spartz, Ron Naab, firefighter

Other firefighters recognized for 25-years of service included Captain Kenny Asselin, Lieutenant/Paramedic Andy Whitmore, Lieutenant/Paramedic Michael Heinen, Driver/Operator Larry Schwechel, and Paid–on–call firefighter Steven Rusch.

Click HERE for other stories about the local fire departments including memories of the April 4, 1981 tornado.


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