1.1 F
West Bend

Battle to save Haskell Noyes Woods State Natural Area

Fond du Lac Co., WI – Join the Friends of the Kettle Moraine in the battle against garlic mustard, an extremely aggressive invader, at the Haskell Noyes Woods State Natural Area.

This State Natural Area protects a classic example of an old-growth sugar maple/red oak mesic forest, which was never heavily logged and supports a rich spring flora and diversity of ferns.

Haskell Noyes Woods

The ideal time to pull garlic mustard happens in May and early June when it’s easy to identify while in bloom.  Please join us on the following dates to help beat back this non-native, destructive invasive species. In case of severe weather, we will cancel that workday. In this event, please call at least two hours prior to the scheduled workday to check on arrangements.

Tuesday, May 11, 18, and 25             4:00-7:00 pm

Thursday, May 13, 20, and 2  7          4:00-7:00 pm

Saturday, May 15, 22, and 29             9:00 am-12:00 pm

Meet at the parking lot on County Road GGG just south of County Road SS east of New Prospect. For anyone arriving later, directions to that day’s work location will be posted at the parking lot. Remember to wear long sleeves, sunscreen, a hat, and garden gloves, and bring insect repellent and drinking water.

For more information, call Connie Ramthun at 920-533-8939 or Douglas Stadler at 920-979-1357.

Come be part of the solution to preserve and protect an outstanding State Natural Area in the Kettle Moraine State Forest – Northern Unit.

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