West Bend, WI – Speakers have been booked for the next three meetings of Common Sense Citizens (CSC) of Washington County.
The Thursday, September 9, meeting will be held at Mueller’s Linden Inn, 4919 Hwy. 144, Hartford, WI beginning at 7 p.m. Guest speaker for the evening is Jeff Mehring.
Mehring recently taught at the American University in Afghanistan (AUA). After the last semester, Mehring left AUA Kabul, but he continues to be in contact with former students. John Donaldson will join other Afghan War Veterans to field questions from the audience and give insight on Afghanistan.
Wisconsin State Representative Tim Ramthun (R-Campbellsport) will be the featured speaker at the Thursday, September 23, meeting. The main topic will be election integrity.
At the Thursday, October 14, meeting you’ll hear from two candidates running for State offices. Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney is running for State Attorney General; Joan Ellis Beglinger is running for Wisconsin Governor.
All meetings will be at Mueller’s Linden Inn, 4919 Hwy. 144, Hartford, WI beginning at 7p.m.
The event is free and open to the public.