1.1 F
West Bend

Drive-in church a success at St. Andrew Lutheran Church in West Bend | By Linda Bruss

West Bend – There’s drive-in church at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 7750 State Road 144 N, just outside of West Bend.

We really didn’t want to cancel services at this time when people need God the most, so this is what we did.


St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Our Pastor bought an FM converter, so we could all listen on the radio in our cars. As we drove into the parking lot at church, a gloved usher handed us a bulletin, through the car window.

Another usher directed us to a parking spot. We tuned our car radio to 102.5 to listen.

Pastor gave the service from the steps outside the Church. The music was played from the inside of Church. At the end of the service, anyone that wanted to receive communion, drove through the drop-off area.








Gloved elders and our gloved pastor gave communion, with the wine and wafer in disposable Dixie cups. The cups were deposited in trash cans a few yards down the driveway.

If you did not want communion, you exited down the driveway.

The broadcast signal reached about 150 yards, so this would work at any large parking lot.

It felt like we were still a big family, in the safety and comfort of our car.

I’m hoping more Churches will try this. Mention it to yours! Or you are welcome to join us Sunday at 9 a.m., in the parking lot.


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