18.5 F
West Bend

Partial eclipse of the sun | By Joe Simon

June 21, 2021 – Manitowoc, WI – The plan to get these pictures started a year ago when I knew the eclipse would be visible, June 10, 2021 in southeast WI.


In February I looked at various sites in the area. I chose Manitowoc over the West Bend area because it’s close by and the sun would be 42% covered versus 32% down here. Also the water front allows a clear view to the horizon.

The equipment I used is a Meade LX90 10-inch telescope with a computerized tracking mount. I have a 2-inch refractor mounted piggyback to the scope.

I chose to take the image with the 2 inch because it gives a much wider field of view. I set up on the waterfront at 4 a.m. with the sunrise coming at 5:08 a.m. Thankfully the weather cooperated.

The few clouds present added to the shots. That gave more enough time to align and focus the telescope. I got the tracking working and waited for dawn.

When sunrise was near I started snapping pictures. I got a series of 10 images as the sun cleared the horizon.

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