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VIDEO | Tour the new Farmers Grain & Feed in Allenton

November 1, 2021 – Allenton, WI – The new Farmers Grain & Feed at 6868 Spruce Court, in Allenton, just northwest of Highway 175 and STH 33, is a mammoth structure that will add more jobs and encourage agricultural opportunity across Washington County.

Owner Tim Kreilkamp said the mill has been more than two years in the making. “It took us 24 months to build and before that a year in design,” he said.

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The location features a new pellet mill and an additional grinder. “We should be able to do four times the volume,” Kreilkamp said.

The location on CTH W and STH 33 in Allenton will still be viable according to Kreilkamp. “We’ll use it for grain storage and some drying but most activities will be out here and all production will be at this facility,” he said.

 Farmers grain

Warehouse: 500 pallet capacity and bar codes and Warehouse Management Software will store all information about each pallet’s material, quality and location.

Kreilkamp said the purposed behind the new mill was to better serve the agriculture industry.

Click HERE for more information on Farmers Grain & Feed in Allenton

“We wanted to offer something to the producers and give them the best product we possibly can at the best price possible,” he said.

Farmers Feed

Liquid tank room: 23,000 gallons of tank capacity for products such as molasses, fat, and vegetable oil. All liquid is weighed out in scales, pumped to the mixers then the lines are blown out with air to ensure all product goes to the mix. Heated room eliminates problems pumping and mixing with cold liquid.

Farmers Feed

Farmers Grain & Feed has a million bushel of corn storage on the property according to Kreilkamp.


Farmers Feed

Photo below is from the 1930s. If you have any information to help identify people in the photo please submit to judy@washingtoncountyinsider.com

Farmers Feed


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