23.3 F
West Bend

Fatal accident in neighboring Ozaukee County

August 15, 2020 – Town of Belgium, WI – On 8/15/2020 at approximately 8:30 a.m., the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office responded to a car versus bicycle crash at Jay Road and Sauk Trail Road in the Town of Belgium.

A bicyclist, 41-year-old Nicholas Grosenick of Port Washington, was eastbound on Jay Road when he failed to stop for the stop sign at Jay Road and Sauk Trail Road.


A blue 1967 Chevy driven by 53-year-old Jeffrey Koopman of Cedar Grove, who was the sole occupant of the vehicle, was southbound on Sauk Trail Road and struck the bicyclist.

The bicyclist succumbed to his injuries at the scene. Koopman was uninjured.

Belgium Fire and Rescue assisted at the scene.

The crash remains under investigation. Any additional inquiries can be made on Monday 8/17/2020 after 8am.


Please remember while biking to adhere to the rules of the road to insure the safety of all vehicles and people using the roadway.


Lieutenant Justin Kaas
Patrol Division
Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office

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