23.3 F
West Bend

Finding a new Police Chief in West Bend

November 4, 2021 – West Bend, WI – Two days after Chief Ken Meuler announced his retirement there’s talk about how his post will be filled.

District 5 alderman Jed Dolnick said, “As a former colleague, and now as an alderman, I’ve valued Chief Meuler’s independence, leadership and expertise. I’m sorry to see him leave.”

Meuler chief

The West Bend Police and Fire Commission will meet tonight, November 4, 2021. While the item of Meuler’s retirement is not on the agenda, it is anticipated there will be some acknowledgement of his announcement.

police fire agenda

It was 2003 when Chief Lloyd “Whitey” Uelmen retired. A committee was formed to search for candidates and conduct interviews. While some within the department applied for the position, including Captain Toby Netko, the committee’s selection came from outside the community.

Some names that have already been mentioned for chief include Captain Tim Dehring and Lieutenant Paul Pokorski.

The position is expected to be filled before Meuler’s last day January 7, 2022.


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