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West Bend

Congressman Glenn Grothman supports Ty Bodden for 59th Assembly

Stockbridge, WI – Congressman Glenn Grothman (R) of the 6th Congressional District endorses Ty Bodden, candidate for the 59th Assembly District.


Congressman Grothman said, “I’ve known Ty and his family for years. He has strong conservative convictions and won’t let Madison change him. I look forward to working with him and discussing state issues that are important to us all.”

“Congressman Grothman has always been a role model to me,” said Bodden. “Having helped with his campaigns since I was in grade school, I am honored to have the Congressman’s support.”

Ty Bodden is the Republican nominee for the 59th State Assembly district after winning the primary election in August.

The General Election is on Tuesday, November 8. More information on the Bodden campaign can be found at tybodden.com.

The 59th Assembly District covers Stockbridge, New Holstein, St. Peter, St. Cloud, Mt. Calvary, Campbellsport, Kewaskum, Allenton, Hartford, and the Western Sheboygan County Townships.

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