20.1 F
West Bend

HDI Wholesale Headquarters breaks ground in Village of Jackson

October 1, 2021 – West Bend, WI – HDI president Sarah Depies and vice president Anne Blaedow broke ground at the new location for the family-owned HDI Wholesale Headquarters at Hwy P and Caymus Circle in the Village of Jackson. The new location will include a 70,000 square foot warehouse.

The new location was chosen for its proximity to Hwy 45 and more convenient shipping opportunities. The building will allow for future growth and space for leasing.

HDI president Sarah Depies (L) and vice president Anne Blaedow (R)

HDI Wholesale works with non-profit organizations, retail stores, schools, and government agencies to ensure they are getting the best value for every dollar spent. They support programs ranging from toy and school supply drives to rehoming and disaster relief.

The target opening for the new HDI location is June of 2022.



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