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VIDEO | Hartford Common Council votes 7 – 2 against hiring outside counsel to investigate the mayor

May 10, 2022 – Hartford, WI – After a series of public comments in support of Hartford mayor Timothy C. Michalak the common council voted 7 – 2 against hiring an outside counsel to investigate the mayor for possible removal from office.

The request came following an incident tied to misdemeanor charges against Michalak reported March 22, 2022. The charges involve possession of a firearm in a government building and an expired concealed carry permit.

The council reviewed a petition signed by 54 people encouraging the city to move forward with an investigation.

As the council voted 7-2 against spending $10,000 to hire outside counsel the two dissenting votes were cast by Dennis Hegy, Council President, 2nd District and Justin Webb, Alderperson, 3rd District.

After the vote, Hegy made a statement. “At this point then i guess we just move on and get back to our business i don’t know if there’s any other actions that we can take or anything that we should take. I’m pleased to get moving forward once again so unless there’s something else, we should look at let’s move forward. Thank you.”

On April 5, 2022 Michalak was reelected mayor of Hartford, WI and was sworn in during the April 19 meeting.

Several people spoke during the public comment portion expressing disappointment in the mayor.

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The incident tied to the mayor and the gun occurred at the county level. On April 19, 2022 after being elected county supervisor Michalak resigned his seat on the county board effective Tuesday, April 19, 2022.


Had the City of Hartford moved forward with hiring outside council the cost would have started at $10,000 in taxpayer funds.

The Dodge County District Attorney is conducting the investigation. So far, the D.A.’s office has not started on the case.

This is a working story, and more details will be posted when information becomes available.


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