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Holy Angels January Students of the Month | By Mike Sternig


                                                       L to R: Lorna, Aislinn, Nick

 March 6, 2018 – West Bend, WI – The Holy Angels students of the month for January are 6th grader Lorna Bonertz, 7th grader Aislinn Carey, and 8th grader Nick Whittle. 

6th Grade:  Lorna Bonertz – Lorna is a calm, likable and mature sixth grader. In class, she is always on task and interested in the lesson. She is a great partner in class, getting along with everyone and always making sure no one is left out. Lorna has a wide variety of interests, and thus participates in many aspects of school including solo ensemble, the choir, forensics and robotics. Additionally, she helps out by serving at Mass. She is a fan of Harry Potter books and thinks Emma Watson is inspirational.

7th Grade:  Aislinn Carey – Aislinn is appreciated by her teachers because she is inquisitive, showing an interest in many subjects. Although her favorite subject is social studies, she is very artistic and loves craft projects. Aislinn is a little on the shy side, but pushes herself to get involved both in class and in school events. Teachers say they enjoy responding when she participates in class discussions and clearly has an “a-ha” moment. She is always willing to volunteer when needed. For example, she filled in at the last minute for the Catholic Schools Choir during Catholic Schools Week. Aislinn is beloved by her kindergartners when she patrols for them after school.

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8th Grade:  Nick Whittle – Nick is a conscientious student who maintains a constant effort. He has a quiet but well-developed sense of humor, and knows when to turn it on. Nick particularly likes art class and is very artistic. He recently won the Knights of Columbus poster competition.  He is willing to push himself to step outside of his comfort zone, and willing to ask for help when he needs it.  When he isn’t at school, Nick relaxes by playing video games and says he would like to grow up to be as successful as Walt Disney.

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