Hartford, WI -The Hartford Rotary Club and Hartford Union High School (HUHS), 805 Cedar Street, Hartford, WI, are pleased to announce that Isabelle Haeft and Audrey Labuda were honored recently as Rotary Students of the Month. The students were given special recognition for their accomplishments at the Hartford Rotary Club’s Thursday noon meetings during the month of January.

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Isabelle Haeft is the daughter of Jackie and Ben Haeft. Haeft has been a member of
the FFA, Student Council, National Honor Society, Math Club and the HUHS Color Guard all
four years at Hartford. She is the current president of the FFA and a member of the Student Council’s executive council. Haeft has also been a member of the Schauer Center’s Irish Dance Troupe since second grade and currently serves as captain of the performance group.
This past November, Haeft placed 9th individually and 3rd as part of the team in the National FFA Veterinary Science competition. She was also the recipient of the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen Award.
Through Student Council and FFA, Haeft has worked with the Hartford Christmas
Committee, decorated downtown Hartford for Christmas, and helped with Fiesta Latina. She is a St. Lawrence Tri-Parish Youth Catechist and has also volunteered her time working at the Rossman School Fun Fair and the St. Lawrence Chili Social and Fish Fry.
After graduation from high school, Haeft plans to attend UW-La Crosse to pursue a
major in Biology with a concentration on molecular genetics and cell biology.
Audrey Labuda is the daughter of Katie and Greg Labuda. Labuda has participated in
Robotics (Gr. 11, 12), Environmental Club (Gr. 10, 11, 12), Forensics (Gr. 9, 10), Student
Council (Gr. 9, 10, 11), National Honor Society (Gr. 11, 12), and Girls Tennis Gr. 9, 10, 11, 12).
She is also active in the music program at HUHS by being a member of the choir program and serving as Drum Major of the HUHS Marching Band. As Drum Major, Labuda conducts the band during football games and parades. She was a WSMA State Solo and Ensemble Gold Medalist during her sophomore and junior year. Labuda has also been involved in four musicals at HUHS. She has served as the student tech director the past two years where she assists the director by giving actors their lines and manages the tech booth.
Labuda is an active member at St. Kilian Church (lectors, serves, and sings in the choir),
and participates in St. Kilian workcamps. She has volunteered her time working at
Enchantment in the Park, Fiesta Latina, the HUHS Showcase, Ozzy Fest, Middle School
Forensics meets, the Humane Society Rummage Sale, the Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Campaign, and STEM events hosted by the HUHS Robotics team.
Labuda plans to attend a 4-year university but at this time is undecided on a major. She
would like to attend either UW-Madison or the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.