21.8 F
West Bend

Jobs, jobs, jobs at Tennies Ace Hardware in West Bend

West Bend, WI – Tennies Ace Hardware, 112 S. Fifth Avenue, in West Bend is hiring for the following positions:

Tennies Ace Hardware

  • Full-time sales clerk: days, nights and weekends
  • Part-time cashier: afternoons nights and weekends
  • Full-time 2-cycle mechanic: days and some weekends
  • Full-time 4-cycle mechanic: days and some weekends
  • Full-time parts counter: days and some weekends


Tennies Ace Hardware offers: Paid vacations, paid holidays, 401K plan, and health insurance.


Click HERE to apply or send resume to westbend@tennieshardware.com


Apply today. Permanent positions with benefits.


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