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Kewaskum School Board meets tonight at 7 p.m.; public welcome

Kewaskum School District

August 13, 2020 – Kewaskum, WI – The Kewaskum Board of Education Regular Meeting will be held tonight at the Kewaskum High School Theater, 1510 Bilgo Lane, Kewaskum, WI. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. The detailed agenda is as follows:
1. Meeting Opening – This meeting is a meeting of the Board of Education in public for the purpose of conducting the School District’s business and is not to be considered a public community meeting. There is the time for public participation during the meeting specifically for items on the agenda.
A. Audio Conference Meeting Information; School Board Members and administration may not physically be in attendance and may be participating in a remote video/audio conference. The public is encouraged to listen to the meeting remotely through the audio conference. Public wishing to listen to the meeting may listen by telephone: Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID: 811 8891 1429. If you join before the meeting begins, you will be placed on hold and automatically join when the meeting starts.
B. Call Meeting to Order
C. Roll Call of Members
D. Moment of Silence
E. Verification of Public Notice Pursuant to §19.84(1)(2)(3)(4)
F. Agenda Corrections and/or Deletions
G. Approval of Agenda
H. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Recognition – Items listed below are not all inclusive
A. State Honors
3. Public Relations– items listed below are not all inclusive
A. Upcoming Events
4. Public Comments
A. Public Comment Guidelines
5. Consent Agenda – All items under Consent Agenda are subject to action.
A. Minutes
B. Instructional Resignations; Katherine Hagerman, Sp Ed Teacher
C. Instructional Hires;
D. Extra-Curricular Resignations; Stacy LaRonge Key Club Advisor
E. Extra-Curricular Hires; Emily Anderson, Senior Class Advisor Olivia Krautkramer, Show Choir Director, Amanda Patino, Musical Director, Randy Reysen, KHS Site Manager, Scott Rhoads, JV Football Coach
6. Items for Discussion or Report
A. Superintendents’ Report; IT Department Update
B. Business Manager Report;
C. Student Learning Report; Summer School
D. Committee Reports
7. Items for Discussion and/or Action
A. RFP for Legal Counsel
B. Adoption of Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Special Education Model Forms and Policies and Procedures Manual
C. Academic, Social and Emotional Learning and Safety Forum Updates
D. Reopening Schools, Virtual Coaching Needs
E. Employee Handbook Changes
F. Review of the 2.44% Salary Increase for this Year
G. Payroll
H. Accounts Payable
8. Purchases over $5,000 for Discussion and/or Action
A. CESA Services for Pupil Services
B. Private Contracted Services for Pupil Services
C. CESA 6 Annual Membership 2020-21
D. CESA Math Center Services 2020-21
E. Mobile Hotspots
9. Policies – First Reading; All items under Policies are subject to discussion and/or action
A. Revised Policies;0162 Quorum, 0164.2 Special Meetings, 0167.1 Voting, 0167.3 Public Comment, 0172 Legal Counsel, 1130, 3230, 4230 Conflict of Interest,1220 Employment of the District Administrator, 1260 Incapacity of the District Administrator, 2260.02 English Language Proficiency, 2412 Homebound Instruction Program, 2460 Programs for Students with Disabilities, 2460.03 Independent Educational Evaluation, 2700.01 School Performance and Accountability Reports, 3120.04 Employment of Substitutes, 3131 Reduction in Staff, 3215, 4215 Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Professional Staff, 3231, 4231 Outside Activities of Professional Staff, 3362.01, 4362.01 Threatening Behavior Toward Staff Members, 4130 Assignment and Transfer, 4131 Reduction in Staff, 5111 Eligibility of Resident Nonresident Students, 5460 Graduation Requirements, 5512 Use of Tobacco and Nicotine by Students, 5630.01 Use of Restraint and Seclusion with Students, 6116 Time and Effort, 6145 Borrowing, 7230 Gifts, Grants and Bequests, 7434 Use of Tobacco and Nicotine on School Premises, 8390 Animals on District Property, 8710 Insurance, 8900 Fraud
B. New Policies; 2266 Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs, 6147 Debt Management, 7440.03 Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Drones), 8395 Student Mental Health Services, 8420.01 Epidemics and Pandemics
10. Adjournment
A. Adjourn Meeting





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