23.3 F
West Bend

Caller Identification legislation signed into law | By Rep. Ty Bodden

March 28, 2024 – Madison, WI – State Representative Ty Bodden (R-Stockbridge) issued the following statement regarding Senate Bill 531 being signed into law by Governor Evers, which relates to caller identification spoofing, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.


“On March 27, the governor signed Senate Bill 531 into law. I am beyond pleased with his signing of this legislation. Many constituents of the 59th Assembly District and around the state have been the direct target of these calls. During my first term, one of my top priorities was to introduce legislation that would protect vulnerable people from being scammed. I am proud to say I have delivered on that goal.”

Senate Bill 531, prohibits caller identification (ID) spoofing. Also, no person may knowingly transmit misleading or inaccurate caller ID information through a telephone call or text message with the intent to defraud or wrongfully obtain anything of value, including personally identifiable information. A person who violates any of these prohibitions is subject to a civil forfeiture of $100 to $10,000.

“This bipartisan bill will further protect our most vulnerable constituents and penalize those who try and prey on them.”

United Way

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