-10.3 F
West Bend

More details on West Bend’s new downtown development

March 22, 2017 – West Bend, WI – This week the West Bend Common Council approved a deal to move forward with development of market rate apartments on the former Gehl property.

The Business Journal of Milwaukee highlighted the story as well.

Reporter Sean Ryan wrote, The proposal for the land from WiRED Properties and Phelan Development features five total buildings, including a trio of three-story apartment buildings along Forest Avenue. In a Feb. 24 proposal to the city, WiRED president Blair Williams wrote that the Gehl site has the “opportunity to craft a dynamic new community that can be woven into West Bend’s urban fabric.”

Mayor Kraig Sadownikow is confident in the development having researched how to ensure small town downtown America does well.

Sadownikow said the community first needs some type of a destination use which draws people from the community and surrounding areas to the downtown.

“We have that type of use with the Museum of Wisconsin Art,” he said.

The second important factor is to have community investment into the downtown.

“We certainly have accomplished that over the last several years with multiple new businesses along with public-private partnerships on the parks pedestrian bridge and upcoming Milwaukee River revitalization,” Sadownikow said.

“The final piece is to ensure there are a variety of high-quality residential opportunities in the downtown. This makes sure there is year-round activity.

“We currently have multiple options for residential in the 55-and-older category, in assisted living as well as some choices for subsidized housing”

Sadownikow said the missing piece is high-quality market rate one and two bedroom apartments or condos in the downtown.

“This is what we hope will come of the Gehl property along with a few other uses possibly,” he said.

“Downtown TIF districts are very often a challenge due to building demo and environmental remediation such as what we have had to go through. Our RFP process is exciting and is the next step to turning the brownfield into a community asset.”

Read more about the development by clicking HERE.


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