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West Bend

Motorcycle accident injures two in Washington County | By  Sgt. Uhan 

August 7, 2020 – Town of Jackson, WI – On Friday, August 7, 2020, at 5:33PM, the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a two vehicle, motorcycle and car, crash located at the intersection of County Highway NN at County Highway M in the Town of Jackson.

Deputies responded along with personnel from Jackson Fire Department, West Bend Intercept, and Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office.

Upon arrival, the injured motorcyclist, a 17-year-old male from Milwaukee, was located near the scene. Off-duty medical personnel who were passing by helped with medical treatment.

Flight for Life was requested and responded to Froedtert West Bend, in order to transport to Children’s Hospital. He has severe injuries. The driver and passenger of the car had minor injuries. He was wearing a helmet at the time of the crash.

The crash remains under investigation, although preliminary investigation revealed the motorcyclist failed to yield for oncoming traffic.

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