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West Bend

REAL ESTATE | New Pampered Pup Grooming open in West Bend, Wi

West Bend, WI – A couple of familiar faces in the dog grooming industry have opened a shop in West Bend, WI. Sophie Hardy and Brandi Geldnich are the owners of Pampered Pup Grooming LLC, 1179 N Main Street. 
The location has previously been home to two dog grooming businesses and most recently a restaurant, Nosh Nook.


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Both girls received grooming certifications online and have grown a strong following.

“We have been grooming for a little over two years and decided to strike out on our own,” said Hardy.

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“Our customers appreciate the care we have for all the animals,” said Geldnich. “They become our best friends.”

The young entrepreneurs have done everything on their own from painting to assembling the grooming tables to decorating and organizing the business.

What makes them stand out? Hardy, 22, said it comes down to demeanor and enthusiasm. “We’re young, we’re a female-owned business and we love what we do.”

Pampered Pup Grooming officially opened Wednesday, May 15.

“We offer our two main packages,” said Hardy. “One is the bath package that includes a bath, brush out, nail trimming, and ear cleaning. Then we offer a full haircut package which is all the same things as the bath package with the haircut.”

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at Pampered Pup Grooming

Pampered Pup Grooming has additional services including teeth brushing, gland cleaning, shed treatments, and facial scrub.

The atmosphere is also comfortable, for the owners and the clients. “We normally let the dogs roam,” said Hardy. “We have a basket of toys on the floor if the dogs want to play. If they want more alone time we have kennels in the back.”

“For us… this is like an extension of home,” said Geldnich. “Just having our own decor, with cute little things on the wall and being able to decorate. It was just really cool to be able to do what we wanted with it.”

Both girls realize some dogs can be stressed by grooming, so they do their best to accommodate everyone’s personality.

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“If they have to take a break, we can play for a little bit with toys,” said Geldnich. “Otherwise, we have treats and things like that.”

The girls average grooming about 15 dogs a day, depending on the size of the animal. Their normal work schedule is around 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. on Monday with the rest of the week from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Fridays until 3 p.m. Saturdays open until noon.

“We have some pretty loyal customers,” said Hardy. “We’ve had a lot of new people as well. So, it’s been awesome. We appreciate all the support we’ve received.”

Pampered Pup Grooming is open six days a week. Appointments are appreciated.

American Commercial Real Estate

On a history note: The location, 1179 N. Main Street, has a long history in West Bend, WI. Can you name some of the previous businesses.  Below is a clue that is still on the property.

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