18.5 F
West Bend

1 man in custody following domestic standoff | By West Bend Police

August 22, 2023 – West Bend, WI – On 08/21/23 at 11:23 p.m. police officers responded to a report of a physical altercation at a residence in the 200 block of N. 8th Avenue. Officers located an 18-year-old female with facial injuries that had been physically assaulted by the 21-year-old male resident.

West Bend Police

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As officers attempted to speak to the man, he retreated into the residence with a 19-year-old female and threatened to shoot law enforcement. Additional occupants of the residence were evacuated, however, the status of the 19-year-old female was unknown.

After nearly three hours of attempting to have the man and woman exit the residence, officers forced the door and utilized a less lethal munition to take the man into custody. The 19-year-old female was found safe, uncooperative, and was taken into custody without further incident.

The man suffered minor injuries and was transported to the hospital for medical clearance before he is placed in the Washington County Jail on charges of Substantial Battery, Failure to Comply with a Lawful Attempt to be Taken Into Custody, Threatening to Harm Law Enforcement, Disorderly Conduct and violating his probation.

The West Bend Police Department thanks the Washington County Sheriff’s Department for their assistance during this situation.

United Way

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