27.1 F
West Bend

REAL ESTATE | HearingLife locations in West Bend, WI to merge into one site

August 19, 2022 – West Bend, WI – There’s a note on the door of the HearingLife location, 884 S. Main Street in West Bend, WI. “Effective immediately, we will be merging both West Bend offices. Please see new office hours listed on window. Our goal is to be permanently located at the north location by the September. Please be patient with us during this process.”


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The northside HearingLife Hearing Center is at 1104 N. Main, West Bend; it is in the same strip mall as Brazing Pan.

HearingLife, formerly known as Avada, provides hearing care and hearing aids for neighbors in Washington County, WI.

On a history note, the building at 884 S. Main Street used to be home to Schleif Service. There was a car lift and auto pit in the main entrance area prior to the remodel. The ceiling had to be altered in order to fit the massive chandelier.

The property on S. Main Street will be put up for sale or lease by mid-September. The commercial property is currently assessed at $301,900.

On October 28, 2009 the building sold for $265,000.

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