23.3 F
West Bend

Real Wealth Weekly: The real cost of saving money on insurance

Kewaskum, WI – The Real Cost of Saving Money on Insurance – You see TV commercials all the time that advertise how easy it is to save money on insurance and the convenience of buying online, but at what cost?

What corners are being cut, and will you pay more later?

Insurance Professional Gretchen Hefner-Evans lists items that are often under-insured, and tells real stories of how costly that can really be when a buyer is uninformed.

Next Week’s Show – How Good Credit Saves You Money

Next Week's guestWe all have a credit score, but what do the numbers really mean? How can a few adjustments save you money?

Credit Specialist Chuck Harris lists off the “do’s and don’ts” of credit, and explains why having a good credit report can save you big-time.


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