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Breaking down latest DPI report cards for schools across Washington County | Does more $$$ = better grades?

November 21, 2023 – Washington Co., WI – The State Department of Public Instruction released results from the 2022-23 report card. Data from public schools across Washington County, WI, is below. Keep in mind, it was the 2020-21 report cards when Governor Evers “changed the metrics” and lowered the accountability scoring range.
Below is the Accountability Rating Category used by DPI prior to 2020. These resources are specific to the 2018-19 accountability report cards, which were released in the Fall of 2019.
DPI Accountability Rating Category prior to 2020

Below is the Accountability Rating Category used by DPI after the bar was lowered.

Below is data from the 2022-23 DPI report card by district and the cost spent per pupil.


Below is the 2021-2022 per pupil expenditures from DPI.

According to DPI: The data in this chart shows per-pupil expenditures (costs) for each school based on data submitted by school districts and other local education agencies (LEAs). School costs are those identified and reported at that particular school, while district/LEA costs are identified for the district or LEA and divided equally among schools by enrollment. Costs are also identified by their funding source, either a federal program or other state and local sources. More information on the data format is available at https://dpi.wi.gov/sfs/reporting/slr/format.

Kewaskum School District:

Kewaskum School District


Germantown School District

Hartford Union High School:

Hartford Joint #1 School District:

Slinger School District:

West Bend School District: 


Click HERE to see test results.

Report card ratings range from five stars, denoting schools and districts that significantly exceed expectations, to one star for those that fail to meet expectations.

Scores are calculated in four priority areas: student achievement, school growth, closing gaps between student groups, and measures of postsecondary readiness, which includes graduation and attendance rates, third-grade English language arts achievement, and eighth-grade mathematics achievement.

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