20.1 F
West Bend

Rick Gundrum announces candidacy for reelection to 58th Assembly District

April 21, 2022 – Slinger, WI – Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) has announced his candidacy for re-election for the 58th Assembly District.

Gundrum has released the following statement:

“It has been an honor to represent the constituents of the 58th Assembly District and
advance conservative policy in Madison. I am running for re-election because I want to
continue working hard on lowering taxes, expanding school choice, supporting law
enforcement, and restoring election integrity.


*I am happy to have had two bills signed into law that directly benefit Washington
County. During this session I also authored legislation to ban ballot harvesting, take on
critical race theory. bolster the Second Amendment, and create a Parental Bill of Rights.


Unfortunately, many of these common sense bills were vetoed by Governor Tony Evers.


I will join my Republicans in the Legislature and continue to stop the radical Evers agenda.

However, my hope is that the conservative grassroots will work to elect a Republican governor and re-elect Senator Ron Johnson this November. Bold
conservative reforms can only restart in Wisconsin if Republicans are elected up and
down the ballot.


The new 58th Assembly District includes West Bend, Slinger, Jackson, Polk, Trenton,
Barton, and part of the Town of Hartford.
Paid for by Rick Gundrum for 58th Assembly District

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