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Slinger Stands with Wreaths Across America | By Gillian Wagner

November 21, 2019 – Slinger, WI – The Allenton Legion Post 483 and Slinger High School recently teamed up to raise money for Wreaths Across America (WAA).

The WAA is a non-profit organization founded by Morrill Worcester in 2007 to help raise funds for the annual wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery, a tradition almost as old as the cemetery itself. Since then, WAA has expanded to communities in all 50 states.

The WAA has a specific purpose: Remember, Honor, and Teach. By teaming up with local businesses and schools in the Washington County area, the WAA is ensuring that generations of people always remember those who gave their life for this country by supplying $15 wreaths to the graves of fallen veterans. 

One school stepping up to answer the WAA’s and the Allenton Legion Post’s call is Slinger High School. The school asked each first-hour class to bring in donations, size didn’t matter.

Alex Lang is a junior at SHS and dedicated to WAA’s mission. He said he was “surprised with the student participation” this year and felt “empowered” to be able to help this cause.

Altogether, Slinger High School was able to raise over $1,000 for WAA. That means they were able to pay for 66 wreaths in all.

But WAA isn’t stopping as there is still time to donate.

The Allenton Legion Post is still accepting donations through November 22.

The Post wants to supply at least 300 wreaths to local fallen veterans.

Contact Rob Naab at 262-629-9749 or email: rjnaab@frontier.com to donate. 

On Saturday, December 14, the Allenton Legion Post and volunteers will be placing the donated wreaths at graves at eight designated cemeteries: Sacred Heart (Allenton), St. Mathias (Nabob), SS Peter & Paul (Nenno), St. Anthony, St. Lawrence, St. John (Beaver Dam Rd/WW), Zion (Hwy D), and St. Peter (Beaver Dam Rd.). 

In recent years, the Allenton Legion Post has only been able to provide less than 30 percent of their goal. They are asking anyone who can to please donate.

Contacts at Allenton Legion Post:

Vince Strupp at 262-853-8491 or email: angieloosen@gmail.com

Ron Naab at 262-629-9749 or email: rjnaab@frontier.com

Mark Schellinger at 262-628-1529 or email: smark11@att.net

Bob Wiedmeyer at 262-689-2892 or email: therwieds@gmail.com

Ralph Hagner at 262-224-5395 

About the author: Gillianne Wagner is16 years old, and currently a sophomore at Slinger High School. Some of the courses she’s taking this year are APUSH, Human Body Systems, and Biology. “I enjoy writing stories about and for the Slinger community because it allows me to positively learn about journalism. So far I’ve worked on stories about SHS student council and theater. I can’t wait to write more!”

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