-2.9 F
West Bend

St. Kilian School in Hartford, WI hosts Ash Wednesday Fish Fry on Wednesday, February 22 | By Steve Sweeney

Hartford, Wis. – The first of three Lenten fish fry fundraisers for St. Kilian School, 245 High Street, is 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. this Ash Wednesday in Hartford, WI.



The drive-through-only fish fry features a 3-piece cod dinner with French Fries, coleslaw, tartar sauce, lemon, and bread for $13 per dinner. Cheese curds are available for $6 per order. The school accepts cash or checks for the dinner. Donations above the price for dinners are accepted.

“The entrance to our fish fry is off of Johnson Street. We ask that people take High Street to Johnson Street to keep the traffic flow one-way,” said St. Kilian School Principal Jenny Trimberger. “Everyone will exit out of the south driveway back on to Johnson Street, or out of our State Street driveway.”

After Wednesday, the next fish fry dates at St. Kilian are 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, March 10 and Friday, March 24.

More information is available from the St. Kilian School website.

Courtesy Steve Sweeney Photography

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